10 Tips on How to Make a Mattress Firmer

When considering how to make a mattress firmer, it is also important to consider the type of mattress you are using. For example, an air mattress can be made firmer simply by pumping in more air, while a memory foam mattress might be soft because it is too warm. It helps to understand the factors involved in your mattress becoming too soft.
We are not discussing age here – most mattresses will get wear and get softer with age, although some of the tips below will work with an old, worn mattress. You may prefer to try some of these before purchasing a new mattress. Moisture is one factor involved in mattresses becoming softer, as is lack of proper care and maintenance. Temperature is another factor.
Some types of mattress, particularly memory foam mattresses, as mentioned earlier, become softer as the temperature rises in your bedroom. Here are 10 ways to make a mattress firmer, not all of which apply to all types of mattress. Not everybody agrees on the ideal level of hardness for a bed, and some of the tips below may work better for some than for others. They are presented in no particular order of preference, though the first five should likely be tried initially.
Important Note: Check your warranty careful in case some of the remedies below might invalidate it. If in doubt, check with the manufacturer or vendor.
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Were we to give any preference to these ways of how to make a mattress firmer, we suggest looking at tips #1 – #5 first. One of these is most likely to solve your problem, although the other 5 have also been known to be an effective solution to an over-soft bed or mattress. All mattresses have a finite life, and sometimes the only genuine solution is to buy a new mattress.
Richard has been working in the mattress and bedding sales sector for many years, and he believes that he knows just about all there is to know to help you choose the best possible mattress for your needs. He has been featured on sites like Realtor, Mom.com, etc.
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Roger Middleton says
I really like a good firm mattress and I’ve been wanting to find ways to enjoy it a lot more. I liked that you had mentioned that it can be helpful to purchase a new mattress to find one with a decent hardness option. I’ll have to start doing some research into purchasing a new mattress so that I can get the best overall firmness.