See Also:Best Mattress for Back Pain Reviews » ","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":4,"url":"","name":"4. Can I use my waterbed mattress while I am pregnant?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Yes, of course, you can. You can sleep on a waterbed throughout your pregnancy – you can even sleep on your stomach into your pregnancy until you feel discomfort. However, consult with your doctor or gynecologist before doing this.
See Also:Pregnancy Pillows: The Best Pregnancy Pillow Reviews » ","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":5,"url":"","name":"5. Can my waterbed mattress burst?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"No! Vinyl is a very tough material and your waterbed will not burst unless it is cut with a sharp object. Even then, it will not ‘burst’ as such like a balloon. It will simply leak slightly when you can fix it with a normal vinyl repair kit. A punctured airbed does not spray out water because it is under neutral pressure. Even a large cut will only leak the water out and not spray it out. A cut on top of the mattress might not even leak at all.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":6,"url":"","name":"6. What’s the difference between a hard side and a softside waterbed mattress?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A hardside mattress has to be contained in a wooden frame. The side boards should be roughly 2-inches thick by 9 to 10-inches tall in order to contain a standard 9-inch thick hardside mattress. A softside mattress supports itself and needs no frame structure – but it does need a flat solid surface to lie on. It is constructed using four foam sidepieces and then covered in fabric to hold it all together. ","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":7,"url":"","name":"7. Can I place my softside mattress on a box spring or slatted base, or does it have to be a solid frame?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"It must be a solid frame. You could theoretically use a box spring, but there will likely be too much movement of the waterbed on anything but a solid base. ","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":8,"url":"","name":"8. How do I clean a waterbed mattress?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A vinyl cleaner will do, though look for one that has been specifically designed for cleaning waterbed mattresses. All you need do is to give it a cosmetic clean. There is no need to clean the inside (even if you could) because nothing can get into the mattress. ","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":9,"url":"","name":"9. How do I prevent growths inside my airbed mattress?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"You should be provided with a conditioner when you buy a waterbed mattress. If not, they are fairly inexpensive online. A conditioner is fundamentally a biocide/algaecide that you add to the mattress when filling. It is recommended to use 4 fluid pounces every six months. This will not only prevent any growth in your waterbed but also keep it supple. ","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"},{"@type":"Question","@id":"","position":10,"url":"","name":"10. Will a waterbed affect my sex life?","answerCount":1,"acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"A waterbed will offer you more comfort and support, so to that extent, it may improve it. Otherwise, use a waterbed mattress in the same way as any other mattress. It certainly won’t harm that part of a couple’s life.","inLanguage":"en-US"},"inLanguage":"en-US"}]}
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Our best waterbed mattress reviews provide you with all the information need to a) decide to use a waterbed mattress and b) to choose the most appropriate brand for you. We provide you with a Buyer’s Guide after the options we believe to be the top waveless waterbeds in 2025. You can use these waterbed mattress reviews as a guide to help you make your own choice of the waterbed, or even to decide if you want such a mattress rather than the traditional foam or innerspring option.
What does a waterbed mattress offer you:
Even support for your whole body
Good, restful sleep
Keeps you cool at night
No sagging of the mattress
Easy cleaning
No bedbugs getting into the mattress
No absorption of perspiration into the mattress
Great for allergy sufferers and asthmatics
No need for turning or flipping as your mattress wears
These are just some of the benefits offered by a waterbed mattress. Waveless waterbeds do not generate waves of water as you move: they are compartmentalized so as to avoid this annoying property of some waterbeds. Our Buyer’s Guide below provides more information on waveless and semi-waveless waterbeds.
Here are our top 5 waveless waterbeds for 2025. Our best waterbed mattress reviews focus on the waveless waterbed type because they offer a more comfortable and stable sleeping surface. The waveless level is stated in each individual review when provided.
Best Waterbed Mattress
Brand and Product Name
Size - Inches
Vinyl Mil
Our Rating
Perfections Softside Waterbed Deep Fill 750 Queen Size
* 1st figure: full warranty; 2nd figure: pro-rated (warranty reduces with age of mattress)
** Warranty totally pro-rated
NS: Not stated
Note: Please check our Buyer’s Guide below for information on the terms used in a waterbed mattress description and specification. Here are details of the top waveless waterbeds found in our best waterbed mattress reviews 2025.
1. Perfections Softside Waterbed Deep Fill 750 System
The Perfections Softside Deepfill 750 System waterbed mattress comes with many features not offered with most other waterbed mattresses. The mattress bottom is designed to keep it in place on the bed without slipping. It also has a soft cotton and bamboo stretch knit cover panel for maximum comfort. The mattress distributes your weight evenly over the whole surface for maximum comfort and support.
This is a softside waterbed mattress that does not require a hard-sided base. Its 4-way hook and eyelet tethered support system maintains the stability of the mattress. It comes with many other benefits such a heater and temperature control system and a fill and drain kit.
Softside waterbed mattress
22 mil vinyl cover with a Heavy duty 12 mil vinyl safety liner
4-way tethered system
Drain and fill kit – all you need to fill, drain and condition the mattress
Touch Temp digital temperature control maintains temperature to +/- 1/8 of a degree
Temperature readout
Can lie on any solid flat surface without the need for side supports
Available in Queen (80” x 60”) as reviewed, LKing (80” x 76”) and LCalifornia King (84” x 72”)
Made in USA
20-year manufacturer’s warranty
None reported
Editor’s Notes: This is a high quality softside waterbed mattress that can lie on any solid mattress base. Available in Queen (reviewed), King and Cal King sizes, you will go a long way to find a waterbed mattress of similar quality. Its 22 mil aqua marine 8-layer support system is of excellent quality, and it also has a 12 mil vinyl safety layer for added security. It comes with features not available with lower-priced waterbeds.
Sold by Mattress Covers, this 95% waveless California king waterbed mattress has a contour mid-body support which allows your spine to attain its normal curvature when you seep. Its waveless design ensures that you experience just 3-4 seconds of slow movement and a comfortable sleeping surface.
The heavy duty vinyl cover (thickness not stated) is reinforced at the corners. This is a high-quality 95% waveless waterbed mattress suitable for any type of sleeper – and it is made in the USA. One of the few waterbed mattresses that are!
95% waveless waterbed mattress
Made in USA
Helps you maintain your natural spinal shape when sleeping
Suitable for all sleeping positions: Back, side and front.
Lifetime warranty: but prorated according to the age of the mattress (the older it is the more you have to pay after a certain free period).
Free shipping
No significant issues reported
Editor’s Notes: This is an excellent waterbed mattress that gives proper support to your spine, and can help relieve lower back or lumbar pain. The low wave movement renders it very comfortable to sleep on, irrespective of how you sleep. Whether you sleep on your belly, your back or your side, this California King waterbed mattress provides you with a healthy level of support.
The Boyd waveless mattress also has a 4-point tethered system for excellent support. As most others, it should be supported in a hard-sided waterbed frame of the same dimensions: 84” x 60” x 9”. The mattress is designed to support your weight evenly and provide good lumbar support for those with bad backs. The 4-layer system is claimed to reduce waves to about 99% motion reduction.
Claimed to be 99% waveless
Package includes a fill kit and 4 bottles of conditioner
5 year full warranty then a 12 further years pro-rata (see Buyer’s Guide below for what this means)
4-way tethered support system
Even and very comfortable support for your body regardless of how you sleep. (back, front, side)
Reinforced seams
Thickness of the vinyl is not stated
Needs a separate pump to empty
Editor’s Notes: The notes are the same as for the previous waterbed mattress option. A waterbed mattress that will give you excellent support no matter how you sleep. If you have pain in your lower back, then try a waterbed, or failing that, a memory foam mattress may also help your condition. Try this first since it is least expensive of your options.
The Innomax Genesis 800 Ultra is a King-size waveless waterbed mattress to be used with a rigid side box frame to hold the mattress in place. It contains a multi-layer system that eliminates waves. It practically eliminates movement in the waterbed to contour the mattress to your body, allowing as near a perfect alignment of your body as possible for a wonderfully comfortable night’s sleep.
This waterbed mattress features a ‘Sculpted Body Profile’ sleeping surface and an enhanced support system for your mid-body region. The 4-way tethered support provides good stability, and the cover is premium 24 mil vinyl. It requires a frame and can be used with a heater that is sold separately.
Practically waveless
Provides excellent support for your whole body
24 mil vinyl for strength
20-Year Warranty (see Editor’s Notes below)
4-way tethered support system
Needs a separate pump for emptying as do most waterbed mattresses
The Warranty is not what it might seem to be.
Editor’s Notes: Those that have never used or purchased a waterbed mattress before may be confused with some of the terms used. These are unique to waterbeds, and are explained in our Buyer’s Guide below. The closest type of traditional mattresses to a waterbed mattress are latex and memory foam mattresses.
You get good support from each, just as a waterbed offers even support for the various pressure points of your body – no matter how you sleep (back, front or side.) The 20-year warranty is prorated thus:
Years 1 – 3: replaced at no charge
Years 4 – 6: you pay 60% of current price for a replacement
Years 7 – 9: you pay 70%
Years 10-12 you pay 80%
Years 13-20 you pay 90%
Other prorated warranties operate in a similar way.
5. Classic California Waterbed Mattress
If you want a full movement waterbed, then the Classic California is ideal for you! For the first 15-20 seconds or more after lying on this mattress you will get a feeling as thought you are floating on water. This is what many people want with a waterbed mattress: not an alternative to a foam mattress that never moves them!
This free-flowing waterbed relaxes your muscles, distributes your weight and allows you to feel as though you are falling asleep in the ocean! If you don’t like the feel of moving water beneath you, then this is not for you. If you do, then the Classic California Waterbed Mattress is perfect for you. The 22 Mil virgin Vinyl with reinforced corners is ideal for those that love traditional waterbeds that make feel as though they are sleeping on the ocean!
Great if you prefer to feel the moving water beneath you
22 mil vinyl.
Premium conditioner provided
12-year warranty
Fits a wooden frame or box frame of 84 x 72 x 9 inches.
Not good if you want a stable sleeping platform without water movement
Some complaints that the vinyl is not clear enough to show any bubbles forming in the water
Editor’s Notes: This waterbed mattress is perfect for anybody that likes to lie on a free flowing waterbed. Many people like the sensation of moving water beneath them and this can provide it – at a relatively low cost! The 22 ml vinyl is thick enough to offer support without failing, although some feel it is not clear enough to view the water beneath it!
This guide will help you to make the correct choice when buying a waterbed mattress. First, we shall discuss some of the advantages of waterbed mattresses and why people buy them. A major reason is a comfort and support.
Waterbed mattresses support your body evenly. They offer less resistance to the pressure of your body than any other type of mattress, including memory foam. This means that they press less against your body while sleeping, and they also do this without sagging. Most beds will sag after a period of time, but not waterbeds. No matter how much you weigh, a waterbed mattress will support your weight indefinitely.
Waterbed Mattresses and Health
Many in the medical profession are of the opinion that the highest quality of sleep comes from a mattress that offers the correct support. That does not mean the hardest mattress is best, but the one that supports your weight evenly without too much pressure on your pressure points: your shoulders, hips and knees. It is also a mattress that helps maintain the natural S-shaped curve of your spine.
A waterbed mattress does all of that. Your body conforms to its natural shape when you sleep on a waterbed mattress. This helps both to prevent lower back pain and to help cure it. Those who have never slept on a waterbed have no conception of how comfortable it is, and how relieving it can be for those with back, hip and shoulder pain. A waterbed mattress helps you to get well and stay well.
Most people do not toss and turn in a waterbed because there is no undue pressure being exerted on their pressure points, pressing on muscles, nerves and impeding the flow of blood. This naturally leads to a better quality of sleep and so you feel more refreshed each morning and free of pain caused by excess pressure.
Hygienic Sleeping Surface
A waterbed mattress is a hygienic surface to sleep on. The mattress can’t absorb perspiration and it does not offer an attractive surface for bed bugs or dust mites. If you have a zippered cover on your vinyl mattress, then you can remove it for washing on a regular basis and remove any skin cells and the dust mites that live on them.
It is the most hygienic surface to sleep on than any other type of mattress can offer. If you suffer from allergies or asthma then a waterbed mattress is ideal for you. It is easily kept clean and free from dust and other allergens that may affect you. Regular mattresses absorb perspiration and get clogged with skin cells, dust, hair, pet dander and bacteria. Simply wipe the mattress with a damp cloth and wash any cover or under-blanket and that’s it. Good as new and very hygienic!
Adjustable Support and Temperature Control
You can adjust the level of support of your waterbed mattress by increasing or reducing the amount of water in it. You can also adjust the temperature of your mattress. Some of the more expensive waterbeds give a temperature readout and the ability to increase or reduce the temperature with the press of a button. Not only that but will never have to turn or flip your mattress because it does not sag or form depressions.
Buying a Mattress: Should You Purchase a Waterbed Mattress?
It’s a difficult decision for many people. What type of mattress should they buy? Innerspring, latex foam, memory foam – which? Many never take a waterbed mattress into consideration. The thought never arises! Why? Because of misconceptions and because they are unsure what to look for. Here are some of these misconceptions:
A waterbed is expensive! No, it isn’t! You can buy a waterbed mattress for less than the average memory foam mattress. In any case, price becomes relatively unimportant when you consider the health benefits, the comfortable, refreshing sleep they offer and the fact they can last for 25 years or more! There are many misconceptions about waterbeds, but those who take the leap and buy one have been delighted with it!
Buying a Waterbed: What to Look For
The majority of the waterbed mattresses we have reviewed are what are known as hardside, and one is softside. What’s the difference?
Hardside Mattress: This type of mattress needs a solid frame to support the base and all four sides. Without a box frame, the sides of the mattress will be unsupported and liable to flop out sideways.
Softside Mattress: A softside waterbed mattress is constructed more robustly, and does not need side support. If you already have a solid base for your mattress then you should be able to use it with a softside waterbed mattress. Softside waterbed mattresses usually come zippered inside a soft fabric cover for comfort.
Water Motion in a Waterbed Mattress
The original waterbeds were fairly floppy, with significant wave motion when you lay on them. Some people may have liked the feeling, but many did not. Things have improved over time, and now you can find waterbed mattresses with varying degrees of wave motion.
Free Flow: The water flows freely in free-flow waterbed mattresses. There are no baffles to prevent the natural movement of water. They make you feel as if you are floating in water with almost constant motion every time you move. You need a wooden frame to hold such mattresses.
Semi-Waveless: A semi-waveless mattress has had the floating feeling, or water movement, restricted by foam inserted into the mattress. It lies somewhere between free flow and the waveless waterbed mattress explained next.
Waveless: There are degrees of ‘wavelessness’ available. Semi-waveless mattresses are around 90% – 95% waveless while so-called ‘waveless’ mattresses are 95% waveless and above. Some, such as our #3 choice, is claimed to be 99% waveless. Water movement of a waveless waterbed mattress is restricted by the insertion of foam and fiber into the mattress.
What Else to Look For When Buying a Waterbed Mattress
Look for a waveless mattress. Taking everything above into consideration, when buying a waterbed mattress look for one that is described as being ‘waveless.’ Also, check for reinforced corners. Most good waterbed mattresses are reinforced at the corners for strength and to ensure they remain firm when you are changing the bed linens.
Tethering is also important. All the mattresses we have reviewed above are tethered at each corner. This keeps the fiber layers centered by means of connections of elastic ribbon or cord between the fiber layers and the bottom of the mattress.
Vinyl Gauge: Check for the gauge of the vinyl. A good waterbed mattress should be at least 22 mil (one mil = one thousandth of an inch – NOT one millimeter). Not all manufacturers state this thickness, including two of those we have reviewed.
Warranty: Check the warranty and make sure you are happy with it. Most waterbed mattresses come with a good warranty, though they may be what is known as prorated. One of the mattresses we reviewed, #4 above, offers a 20-year warranty. It is prorated as explained in the review of our #4 (Innomax Genesis 800 Ultra).
Many people get confused when looking for a waterbed mattress. They are not like ordinary mattresses, and here is a selection of the questions we have been asked.
1. Will I get seasick on a waterbed?
No, you will not get seasick on a waterbed. This is a myth – any slight movement you may feel will not cause any discomfort.
2. How often do I need to change the water in my waterbed mattress?
You never need to change the water – unless you are moving and are taking the waterbed with you.
3. My wife has a bad back – will a waterbed be good for her back, and what about me sleeping beside her?
Waterbeds are the best type of mattress for anyone with a back problem. You can sleep with your wife without interrupting her. A waterbed mattress can support each of you separately without any problems.
4. Can I use my waterbed mattress while I am pregnant?
Yes, of course, you can. You can sleep on a waterbed throughout your pregnancy – you can even sleep on your stomach into your pregnancy until you feel discomfort. However, consult with your doctor or gynecologist before doing this.
No! Vinyl is a very tough material and your waterbed will not burst unless it is cut with a sharp object. Even then, it will not ‘burst’ as such like a balloon. It will simply leak slightly when you can fix it with a normal vinyl repair kit. A punctured airbed does not spray out water because it is under neutral pressure. Even a large cut will only leak the water out and not spray it out. A cut on top of the mattress might not even leak at all.
6. What’s the difference between a hard side and a softside waterbed mattress?
A hardside mattress has to be contained in a wooden frame. The side boards should be roughly 2-inches thick by 9 to 10-inches tall in order to contain a standard 9-inch thick hardside mattress. A softside mattress supports itself and needs no frame structure – but it does need a flat solid surface to lie on. It is constructed using four foam sidepieces and then covered in fabric to hold it all together.
7. Can I place my softside mattress on a box spring or slatted base, or does it have to be a solid frame?
It must be a solid frame. You could theoretically use a box spring, but there will likely be too much movement of the waterbed on anything but a solid base.
8. How do I clean a waterbed mattress?
A vinyl cleaner will do, though look for one that has been specifically designed for cleaning waterbed mattresses. All you need do is to give it a cosmetic clean. There is no need to clean the inside (even if you could) because nothing can get into the mattress.
9. How do I prevent growths inside my airbed mattress?
You should be provided with a conditioner when you buy a waterbed mattress. If not, they are fairly inexpensive online. A conditioner is fundamentally a biocide/algaecide that you add to the mattress when filling. It is recommended to use 4 fluid pounces every six months. This will not only prevent any growth in your waterbed but also keep it supple.
10. Will a waterbed affect my sex life?
A waterbed will offer you more comfort and support, so to that extent, it may improve it. Otherwise, use a waterbed mattress in the same way as any other mattress. It certainly won’t harm that part of a couple’s life.
Perfections Softside Waterbed Deep Fill 750 Queen Size
California King Waveless Waterbed
Boyd Waveless Lumbar Supreme
InnoMax Genesis 800 Ultra
Classic California Waterbed Mattress
Finally, once you have purchased your waterbed mattress, make sure you treat it well. Many people allow animals onto their bed, particularly cats and dogs. Never allow this with a waterbed, and never leave knives or pins near a waterbed. They are easily punctured and such damage is not covered by your warranty.
Richard has been working in the mattress and bedding sales sector for many years, and he believes that he knows just about all there is to know to help you choose the best possible mattress for your needs. He has been featured on sites like Realtor,, etc.
As you’ve mentioned, I use to sleep on a waterbed back in the 90s.. when friends moved, got married or just no longer wanted I was there with truck.) Gave me the opportunity to upgrade until ending up with top-of-line Cal King waterbed with beautiful mirrored pine secret compartments frame and furniture. After a few years I too gave up the water and replaced the vinyl with regular mattress. Not because I no longer loved but for the short term moving convenance and floor support. Still have the old vinyl but probably too old to try using again.? Anyways, now I’m recently retired living where I hope to stay in my own dream home with same old fancy waterbed frame and furniture. Been thinking about going back to water and after reading your blog, article recommendations I’m more excited than ever. Had no idea there were still such options. Was simply curious if water was still possible..? So wow! Oh yeah!! I’m beyond ready..! So after all this I do have a question? I want the best all around Cal King for a 150lb old man with bad back and a big 112lb mut dog that likes to jump up and get my attention.) Never had a problem before when my Rottie would jump up. Thinking definitely the 24mil with a topper.? Which of your top 5 would you recommend and I’ll let Alexia know the good news?..))
Have a feeling with the number of baby boomers retiring everyday now waterbeds? just might have a comeback along with Harley’s, good o’l rock n roll and who knows what else..? Ask Alexia..)
Best bed I ever had was a queen sized waveless that I bought in California when I was in the military in the early 80’s. Brought it with me when I returned home to Alaska in 1984. It lasted until 1990, when I had to drain it because it was sitting over the access to the crawlspace, and the plumbers needed to get down there to fix something. My cats, who never clawed the mattress when it was full, had a field day with it after it was drained and when I tried to refill it, it had *hundreds* of tiny pinholes. I’m thinking about getting another one now I’m retired. Now, my question is this – is it safe to have a waterbed on the 2nd floor of an older frame house? What is the weight of a queen size bed?
Thank you for your useful reviews. In the FAQs, I did not find anything about the instances of waterbeds having to be returned because of leakage at the onset. What is your experience in this regard? How easy is it to repair them? Thank you for your advice.
We decided to replace our old mattress after 15+ years of use and purchased the InnoMax Genesis 800 Ultra Waveless mattress. We slowly pumped the mattress up with air and let it set for a week to check for leaks and let the vinyl off-gas chlorine. A week later it was still holding pressure and hardly smelled so it was installed and has worked fine. Build quality is good. We will be careful with the fill cap pull tabs to ensure we don’t break them.
Best for patients who are bed ridden since water inside the bed provides cooling than normal bed. Once it is filled up with water, unable to move the bed.. so arrange the bed in suitable position, then fill the water.
I will talk about California King Waveless Waterbed. Soft to the touch, very little wave when you turn over of get in and out of bed. Very comfortable.
I have slept on waterbeds for 40+ years now. I’m 67, no back, hip or knee problems. I’ve been farming for the past 16 years, and I know my waterbed is the reason I feel so good. We have just installed our 3rd waterbed. It is allot more fancy than the first one, which was simply a vinyl sack that I put water into! I now have baffles running all through this waterbed. Mine is a Cal King hard side with 6 drawers on each side under the bed. There’s also room under the center of the bed that I can store all kinds of junk. And the head board is gorgeous with wood shelving and a mirror. Several years ago I bought a ‘pillow top’ cover for my waterbed. It has a liner that sits within the bed’s liner and the pillow top zips onto this liner. This pillow top is about 3” thick and tucked. I love it because the dog (who recently passed) would be able, with stairs, to sleep on the bed with us. The cat can too.
Question, I have an old waterbed (40+yrs. old) I quite using the heater 10 yrs. ago bec. I was worried that it might be hard on the plastic mattress ..put extra blanket under sheet as I don’t like cold bed. Husband passed away 30 yrs.ago and it has brought me comfort ;it has baffles and I love it’s slight motion. It needs more water and I haven’t added the conditioner for years. It hasn’t leaked “yet” but I feel I’m on borrowed time. It is in a queen wood frame. What do you suggest?
I want to be able to uise it safely……so is it time to REPLACE?? which of your 4 or 5 do you suggest? also how heavy are they (empty) since I’m 76 and need to carry it upstairs and set up by my self………….ps. is there a phone number I can used as I hate typing and texting??
Thanks..Betty Jo 1218-482-5589
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David Evans says
As you’ve mentioned, I use to sleep on a waterbed back in the 90s.. when friends moved, got married or just no longer wanted I was there with truck.) Gave me the opportunity to upgrade until ending up with top-of-line Cal King waterbed with beautiful mirrored pine secret compartments frame and furniture. After a few years I too gave up the water and replaced the vinyl with regular mattress. Not because I no longer loved but for the short term moving convenance and floor support. Still have the old vinyl but probably too old to try using again.? Anyways, now I’m recently retired living where I hope to stay in my own dream home with same old fancy waterbed frame and furniture. Been thinking about going back to water and after reading your blog, article recommendations I’m more excited than ever. Had no idea there were still such options. Was simply curious if water was still possible..? So wow! Oh yeah!! I’m beyond ready..! So after all this I do have a question? I want the best all around Cal King for a 150lb old man with bad back and a big 112lb mut dog that likes to jump up and get my attention.) Never had a problem before when my Rottie would jump up. Thinking definitely the 24mil with a topper.? Which of your top 5 would you recommend and I’ll let Alexia know the good news?..))
David Evans says
Have a feeling with the number of baby boomers retiring everyday now waterbeds? just might have a comeback along with Harley’s, good o’l rock n roll and who knows what else..? Ask Alexia..)
Mike B. says
Best bed I ever had was a queen sized waveless that I bought in California when I was in the military in the early 80’s. Brought it with me when I returned home to Alaska in 1984. It lasted until 1990, when I had to drain it because it was sitting over the access to the crawlspace, and the plumbers needed to get down there to fix something. My cats, who never clawed the mattress when it was full, had a field day with it after it was drained and when I tried to refill it, it had *hundreds* of tiny pinholes. I’m thinking about getting another one now I’m retired. Now, my question is this – is it safe to have a waterbed on the 2nd floor of an older frame house? What is the weight of a queen size bed?
George Kendall says
Very informative and it just needs to have prices listed
Richard Morse says
Hello George,
Glad you liked it. Prices on Amazon keeps changing, so we can not put them here. You can always click on Check Price button to quickly find it.
Pilar Saavedra-Vela says
Thank you for your useful reviews. In the FAQs, I did not find anything about the instances of waterbeds having to be returned because of leakage at the onset. What is your experience in this regard? How easy is it to repair them? Thank you for your advice.
Richard Morse says
It can be repaired at home with minor tweaks and no rocket science is necessary.
Jacques Suber says
How much weight can these waterbed bare? Should I worry about the water leakage?
Richard Morse says
It can bare weight of two people. You don’t need to worry about the leakage much.
Marilynn Champlin says
I like California King product, helpful for spinal injury patients, or bed sore problems. Easy to use, price is medium.
Richard Morse says
Good choice 🙂
Nancie Abrams says
We decided to replace our old mattress after 15+ years of use and purchased the InnoMax Genesis 800 Ultra Waveless mattress. We slowly pumped the mattress up with air and let it set for a week to check for leaks and let the vinyl off-gas chlorine. A week later it was still holding pressure and hardly smelled so it was installed and has worked fine. Build quality is good. We will be careful with the fill cap pull tabs to ensure we don’t break them.
Kenny Sebree says
Best for patients who are bed ridden since water inside the bed provides cooling than normal bed. Once it is filled up with water, unable to move the bed.. so arrange the bed in suitable position, then fill the water.
Richard Morse says
Good advice Kenny.
Mary Mikkelsen says
I will talk about California King Waveless Waterbed. Soft to the touch, very little wave when you turn over of get in and out of bed. Very comfortable.
Lillia Keyser says
Can I just put this on my regular bed frame or do I need something to set it in?
Richard Morse says
You will need a bed frame and support box. The mattress fits inside with a liner for water containment.
Dana Griffith says
How many people can sleep in this bed the capacity of this bed?
Richard Morse says
Elvis Councill says
How do you know when it’s filled properly?
Richard Morse says
We suggest that the mattress be filled to appx ½ inch to 1 inch below the wood frame of the bed.
Nancy Ryan says
Best mattress I’ve had so far. – California King Waveless Waterbed
Diana Armes Wallace says
I have slept on waterbeds for 40+ years now. I’m 67, no back, hip or knee problems. I’ve been farming for the past 16 years, and I know my waterbed is the reason I feel so good. We have just installed our 3rd waterbed. It is allot more fancy than the first one, which was simply a vinyl sack that I put water into! I now have baffles running all through this waterbed. Mine is a Cal King hard side with 6 drawers on each side under the bed. There’s also room under the center of the bed that I can store all kinds of junk. And the head board is gorgeous with wood shelving and a mirror. Several years ago I bought a ‘pillow top’ cover for my waterbed. It has a liner that sits within the bed’s liner and the pillow top zips onto this liner. This pillow top is about 3” thick and tucked. I love it because the dog (who recently passed) would be able, with stairs, to sleep on the bed with us. The cat can too.
bettyjo maher says
Question, I have an old waterbed (40+yrs. old) I quite using the heater 10 yrs. ago bec. I was worried that it might be hard on the plastic mattress ..put extra blanket under sheet as I don’t like cold bed. Husband passed away 30 yrs.ago and it has brought me comfort ;it has baffles and I love it’s slight motion. It needs more water and I haven’t added the conditioner for years. It hasn’t leaked “yet” but I feel I’m on borrowed time. It is in a queen wood frame. What do you suggest?
I want to be able to uise it safely……so is it time to REPLACE?? which of your 4 or 5 do you suggest? also how heavy are they (empty) since I’m 76 and need to carry it upstairs and set up by my self………….ps. is there a phone number I can used as I hate typing and texting??
Thanks..Betty Jo 1218-482-5589