When is the Best Time to Buy a Mattress?

When is the best time to buy a mattress? You have to sleep all year round, so mattresses are not seasonal. There are no–off-season sales. There are a few specific reasons why a mattress should standard price one day and lower the next. Quite frankly, the best time to buy a mattress is when you need one.
That said, some people have their own opinions on this. Pricewise, it should be when most sales are on – so ‘the best time’ relates to the least expensive time. It’s entirely financial rather than anything else. It is possible to find mattress sales at certain times of the year, but you must be sure what type of mattress you need – or even like!
Memorial Day in the US is a traditional time for last year’s models to be replaced with new. Quite frequently, new mattress models are introduced in summer, so the old ones are sold off at sale prices before then – in May! Stores are keen to make room for new models, so sell off their old stock in May.
Some claim January to be the best time to buy a mattress for the same reason. Stores clear out their showrooms after the Holiday season or Christmas to make room for this year’s models. You can often get good deals as retailers will slash prices to sell off as much old stock as possible. The same can be true of July, another popular time for new furniture to hit the stores.
That doesn’t mean you are getting low quality or faulty goods. Products sold in mattress clearance sales are rarely faulty, and you still get the same guarantees and warranties as the new replacements. You also still have your legal rights when you purchase sale mattresses.
If you are looking to buy a mattress, but don’t want to spend your money on sales goods or older models, then April onwards may be best for you. As stated earlier, new brands and new models often hit the stores in January/February. If you let the first quarter go by, you will be able to check out the expert reviews and also reviews on Amazon by those who have purchased and used the new mattresses. You would then be making your purchase based upon expert and consumer reviews rather than marketing claims.
Many review sites and other websites provide information on new products. Some offer mattress ratings based upon a range of information sources including personal use. It’s difficult at the best of times to buy a mattress suitable for your needs. Using a review or rating site will at least help you make in informed decision.
There are too many variables with mattresses (hardness, bounce, foam type, spring count and type) for you to purchase only on looks or on the basis of a retailer’s own claims. Honest professional opinion, or even better, the reviews of people who have actually purchased and used the mattress, is frankly far more believable than marketing hype.
However, let’s back to the best time to buy a mattress rather than discuss who you should and should not believe. What is really the best time to buy a mattress?
That’s not an easy question to answer. We have given some tips above, such as to purchase a mattress when the sales are running. Another is not to buy when you are desperate. You might know you are going to need a new mattress in the near future, such as if:
In such cases don’t wait too late! Don’t leave yourself having to buy a new mattress in a hurry. You don’t want to be in a ‘take what’s available’ situation. When you a) have no time to carry out thorough research into the best type of mattress for you, or b) cannot wait for sales or discounts.
It’s easy to think that because you may not have an urgent, pressing need to buy a new mattress now, then you have plenty time to make your decision. Before you know it, that time is up! It’s far better to do your research now and at least have an idea of the type or even brand of mattress you feel is best for you.
Then, if you see this in a sale or discount store, you can make the decision to purchase while the price is low. Always make sure, however, that the bed is not ‘fire damaged’ (it may smell of smoke all night), or is ‘slightly damaged’ (it may contain a broken spring.) You can get good discounts on products in perfect condition if you buy a mattress at the right time.
Many people find that if they purchase online, they can get excellent deals at certain times. If you leave yourself enough time to research, Amazon often offers discounts or low-cost prices on high quality products. There is no ‘best time’ to buy a mattress on Amazon – just search for your preferred brand and keep checking prices.
Must Read: Where is the Best Place to Buy a New Mattress: 16 Best Online Mattress Stores? »
You may find that one day the price is normal and the next it is a good bit lower. As the days count down to the date you absolutely must buy your mattress, you should be gathering the information and making a list of the types and brands that are suitable for your needs. As soon as you find one on your list at a price you like, then THAT is the best time to buy a mattress!
Richard has been working in the mattress and bedding sales sector for many years, and he believes that he knows just about all there is to know to help you choose the best possible mattress for your needs. He has been featured on sites like Realtor, Mom.com, etc.
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